My dear young Altar Servers,
With Fr. Roshy, I want to personally thank you for your willingness to serve as an altar server at Saint Teresa’s Parish. The ministry you undertake is a great privilege. It is service to Christ Himself and to the People of God. Did you know that the ministry of ALTAR SERVER, sometimes called an acolyte, is among the earliest of all liturgical roles? Only the ministries of the presider (priest) and deacon have a longer history and a place closer to the altar during the celebration of the Eucharist – the Holy Mass. Apart from your specific duties, your reverence and the way you serve at the altar helps to create an atmosphere of worship for everyone at Mass. Without your help, our celebration of Holy Mass or the other sacraments might go less smoothly or be less solemn. All who attend Holy Mass at Saint Teresa’s and those who join us online thank you and we know we can expect you to offer your very best to Jesus who becomes present on the altar.
It takes time to learn how to serve on the sanctuary. We will help you and encourage you every step of the way.
(A) Arrive for your scheduled Mass 15 minutes prior to the start of the Mass.
(B) Wear clean shoes, black shoes preferred. You may wear sandals, but no flip-flops.
(C) Select your Alb. The Alb should be long enough to come to the top of your shoes. Remember your Alb is a sacred vestment and should be treated as such.
(D) Make sure these items are in place for Mass.
- Roman Missal
- Book stand on the altar
- Water jug, bowl and hand towel on the table
- Cruet of water on the table
- Unconsecrated hosts and wine on the table near the altar or if an Offertory Prossesion then placed at the table near the back bench.
(F) If holy water is used, be sure the holy water bucket and aspergilium (sprinkler) are where the priest may want them.
(G) Light candles. For Sunday Mass and the Saturday evening Vigil that means those on the altar and those on the high altar next to the tabernacle. If there are at least two servers, light the processional counters that you will carry.If you are a cross bearer (crucifer) get the cross and be ready to help lead the priest, deacon and other servers.
(H) If you are carrying the thurible (incense) get it and be ready – YOU will lead the entrance procession.
REMEMBER Don’t worry, we will show you how to serve, when to ring the bell, when to step forward with the water and wine, how to arrive and leave the sanctuary, all will be explained and senior servers and James will be on hand to guide you.
Lord Jesus, thank you for the opportunity to serve you during the Holy Mass.In Your Sacred Presence my heart is filled with joy and peace. May your Spirit always guide me, I also ask Saint Teresa, Saint Stephen and my Guardian Angel to bless me and pray for my family and me as I serve at the altar.Amen.