Sincere thanks to 3 parishioners who kindly donated £1000 for the 1st prize in our International Evening in October. As a second prize we would like to offer some shopping vouchers from a local supermarket. So if anyone can donate vouchers – or has contacts at one of the supermarkets – it will be a useful prize just before Christmas. Thanks so much for your kind generosity. This will be a fundraising event for the development of the Parish Centre. We also hope to welcome the new Mayor of Merton, Cllr Mary Curtin to the celebration. All communities are invited to arrange a food stall and champion their own distinctive culture in a creative way.
In Liverpool is just a month away. Do please remember the Congress in your prayers and especially all the delegates attending from all 22 dioceses in England and Wales. Could we please have volunteers to attend a day of quite prayer on Friday 7th September, the day the Congress begins. There will be Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament all day following the 10am Mass until 9pm to coincide with the Congress taking place in Liverpool. There is a list in the Narthex if you can please volunteer for 1 or 2 hours. Many thanks. To Patricia Jayasena who received the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation recently. She also received her Fist Communion last week.
We have had numerous favourable comments re the projection of the readings and hymns during the Sunday Mass. Many people for whom reading small print in the newsletter is a challenge, find the words on the wall very helpful. The system does depend on a small team that are present at each of the 3 Sunday Masses. Now that many of the music people are away on holiday, the projection system tends to go away with them! However, if we had one or two parishioners, familiar with IT procedure, we could continue with the readings through the holiday season. If you can help to fill the gap, please see Fr. John.
Please remember in your prayers, Maureen McLean who died recently. Her Requiem Mass will be on Tuesday 24th July at 12.30pm. Chris Small: Requiem Mass on Thursday 26th at1.00pm. May they rest in peace.
December 2024
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