Thank you to all those who volunteer in the parish life of Saint Teresa’s. We have many active parish groups and more still to return. If you are a new volunteer with any of the groups in the parish, please contact the parish office to make an appointment with the Safeguarding Team before joining in any activity – 020 8648 4113.
Yana Bartkiv RIP for whom the parish have been praying, died at the age of 38 years on Friday 21st April. We offer her family and friends our condolences and ask the Mercy of God to look upon her soul.
May Yana Rest in Peace and Rise in Glory. Thank you to one and all who gladly take this ministry on at Saint Teresa’s. Leading intercessions in church at Holy Mass is an important role. Finding the right words to speak when interceding between the people of God is a task that needs prayerful time and consideration. It is not a gift that everyone has, and certainly not something that everyone feels able to do. We would like to open the door to this role at Holy Mass. We are inviting a family, children, young teenagers, our senior citizens, to join a rota to prepare our Parish Intercessions to be read at Holy Mass. We would be delighted if you would like to read them out at the Mass you attend. If you are interested please let us know. A leaflet and guidelines will be available and we can also send this out to your email address.
The Choir and music group are an every-present and important part of parish liturgy. Members are often committed to meeting for practice during each week so that in leading the congregation on the following Sunday the music is offered to the glory of God. The psalms, the song or hymn words that we sing in church and the music that accompanies them, have the power not only to teach us but also to lead and move us through the different elements of the liturgy. We have music to help us praise God at our Saturday Vigil, our 9am Mass and our 11am Mass. Our director of music and our pastoral musicians are excellent. They have huge responsibility to choose songs or hymns with words that are authentic and which tell the good news in ways that inspire and are remembered and which send us out affirmed in a desire to live and work to God’s praise and glory. My Lord, at Saint Teresa’s we give thanks for the music offered at our Holy Masses especially on Sunday’s. We wish to please you and offer our love and thanksgiving to you. May we ask for your blessing for all members of our choirs, all our musicians and the parish family who under their guidance lead us in prayer and praise. To one and all involved in our parish music ministry I quote from Ephesians 5: 18-19 ‘Be filled with the Spirit, as you sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, singing and making melody to the Lord in your hearts’ The priesthood has always been essential to the life of the Church, from the time of Jesus until today. Good Shepherd Sunday is the day we pray for vocations, for our priests, and take up the Priest Training Fund second collection. This fund pays for the formation of men to become priests in our Archdiocese.
After their ordination, our priests dedicate their lives to serving Christ and His people in our parishes, hospitals, schools, chaplaincies, prisons and in service to the needy, throughout South London, Kent and Surrey. We are blessed to have 3 men in formation to the Priesthood for our Archdiocese. However, it costs £30,000 a year to sponsor each seminarian. They study for 6 years before being ordained a Catholic priest. We therefore rely on your generous support and prayers. Please support our priests of the future with a gift today. Thank you!
January 2025
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