All those involved in our welcome ministry are invited to a formation session on Saturday, 12th November at 96 Durham Road, Wimbledon. 10am to 12.30 (includes a light lunch).
If you wish to apply for a Nursery place for your child starting September 2017 (children with dates of birth between 01/09/13 and 31/08/14) please call at the school office on a Wednesday morning between 9.30am and 1pm to collect an application pack. Alternatively, you may download forms from the school website. Application Forms for a Nursery place for your child starting September 2018 (children with dates of birth between 01.09.14 and 31.08.15) these will be available from the school office or on our Website from the end of April 2017. If you have any questions regarding school admissions please contact our Admissions Officer, Lorraine Isaac on 020 8648 1846 or email her - she will be pleased to help. Some people have asked if we might take another Holy Land pilgrimage (Galilee and Jerusalem) from St Teresa’s. If we get sufficient numbers (20 – 30) we could go 19 – 26 March 2017. Cost: £1,250. (approx.). There is a list in the Narthex if you are interested. Please call the parish office to arrange a mutually convenient time to meet and sign these forms. Parents (not grandparents, cousins or friends) are responsible for this exercise. Please complete the form before you come and bring the child’s baptism certificate with you. Please do not put these forms through the presbytery door – they are likely to be shredded.
Our thanks to all who attended our Parish ‘Thank You’ supper last Saturday evening. Special thanks to Angela and Matthew for the catering and our gratitude to St Teresa’s School, Headteacher and governors for welcoming us to celebrate in the school hall. Thank you to everyone who helped with the celebration. It was an enjoyable evening and an expression of thanks from the parish to those who do so much for the community.
January 2025
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