My dear Parish Family,
Peace be with you!
As our Diocesan Plan is implemented during the on-going Covid-19 pandemic, it is good to see slowly but surely restrictions being lifted in different sectors of social life. Our bishops, supported by their priests and a good number of the lay faithful, have been working hard to see life begin to return to normal in our parishes. We thank them and the working party for all their hard work.
For the next few weeks with the help of Parish Stewards, we will try to open St. Teresa’s for short periods. My thanks to them and to the Parish Pastoral Council for helping to get this underway. However, before we open, we must implement a rigorous effort to fulfil nationally agreed guidelines. We need to provide a safe environment. We will need your understanding and full support to help us achieve this. Maintaining social distancing and safe practices is an absolute must.
To re-open St. Teresa’s Church for individual prayer, the Diocese has asked us to comply with a full Risk Assessment. We ask those of you who are already volunteers in the Parish, and not classed as clinically vulnerable, self-isolated or shielded, to consider volunteering as Parish Stewards. Please telephone 020 8648 4113 or email [email protected] and leave your name, telephone number and email. We will contact you to organise a full socially-distanced briefing in this ministry. As we start to re-open our church for individual prayer, thank you for helping us to guide those visiting our church to maintain distancing and safe practices.
At all times, we must continue to be cautious and concerned for those most at risk, the elderly and those with serious health issues. It may well be wise, in these early days to urge those most at risk, those most vulnerable, and their caregivers to stay at home. Those not feeling well, or those who fear that their own health or that of their family, may be compromised should refrain from coming to our parish church at this time.
In the future, I look forward to celebrating Holy Mass with you once again. When we can, we will be planning First Holy Communions, Confirmations, Baptisms, the Rite of Welcome into the Catholic Church and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. In the meantime, I thank you for your patience, understanding and cooperation as we do our best to implement this gradual return to the public celebration of Holy Mass and the Sacraments.
In the days to come, we will still offer you the chance to participate in our parish Masses on-line. Please let me know if you would like me to light a candle for your special intentions. If you would like spiritual support over the telephone; that continues to be possible. The Parish Office remains closed, but I am usually not too far from the telephone.
God bless and thank you for supporting our parish, and me, during these difficult and challenging times. Keep praying and look to the future with hope and positivity. The good news is that a gradual plan for re-opening our Churches is now underway. The Lord will be waiting at the door to WELCOME YOU BACK!