9.30 Church Doors Open Rosary led by Parishioners
10am Holy Mass With Distribution of Ashes 11am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. 11.15am Rosary
12.30-12.45 Sprinkling of Ashes available
1-2pm Silent Prayer
2pm Guided Meditation Led by Con Diver
3pm Rosary Led by Members of the Parish Council
3.30-4pm Sprinkling of Ashes
4.15pm Rosary Led by Members of the Parish Adoration Team
5pm Prayers or Benediction with Fr. Roshy and Canon Michael
5.30pm Holy Mass
For your Lenten Intentions with Sprinkling of Ashes
6.30pm Church Closes.
Please note: This year we can offer, because of the circumstances we find ourselves in, a chance for one family member to pick up a small amount of ashes - blessed - to bring home and offer to those sick, housebound, or isolating. We will also put on our website and newsletter a prayer for you to use at home.