As we begin our journey through Lent, we reach out to those who are carrying the Cross of Suffering, we also hope that we will be inspired to be generous and kind. Through our joy, patience and kindness may we help build a better world one step at a time.
Please join us online if you are isolating, stay at home if you are unwell and feel vulnerable. We will be open all day. Adoration, and two Masses are planned for Ash Wednesday. Distribution of Ashes will be available. Those who wish to bring home a small amount of Blessed Ashes will be able to do so. A prayer will be available for you to share in the family home.
This is what is planned for our Special Day.
This year Ash Wednesday falls on Wednesday 17th February. It's a day of fasting and abstinence. Ashes will be blessed during our 10am Mass. We wish to begin our Parish Lenten Journey in the best possible way. We will be open. Social distancing will be fully implemented. We will not be able to distribute the Ashes in the usual way. This year we will be sprinkling them over your head. The Pope and many around the world receive in this manner - so you will be in good company. Below is an outline of a very Special Day we plan for Ash Wednesday.
9.30am Church Doors Open Rosary led by Parishioners
10am HOLY MASS with Distribution of Ashes
11am Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
11.15am Rosary led by the LEGION OF MARY
12.30-12.45pm Sprinkling of Ashes available
1-2pm Silent Prayer
2pm Guided Meditation Led by CON DIVER
3pm Rosary Led by Members of the PARISH COUNCIL
3.30-4pm Sprinkling of Ashes
4.15pm Rosary Led by Members of the PARISH ADORATION TEAM
5pm Benediction with Fr. Roshy and Canon Michael
5.30pm HOLY MASS
For your Lenten Intentions with Sprinkling of Ashes
6.30pm Church Closes.
Please note: This year we can offer, because of the circumstances we find ourselves in, a chance for one family member to pick up a small amount of ashes - Blessed - to bring home and offer to those sick, housebound, or isolating. We will also put on our website and newsletter a prayer for you to use at home.
For those who bring home Blessed Ashes we encourage you to spend a couple of minutes of silent prayer - Welcome Jesus into your midst.
Prayer after sprinkling of Ashes.
Almighty every living God, we are marked today with ashes, symbol of our repentant hearts, we wish to be transformed, to be made new, as these ashes reminds us of our short life here on earth. 'Ashes to ashes, dust to dust', help us to walk with Christ throughout this season of Lent, So that we may repent of ways that do not serve you, and admit the areas of life where we need to change, we make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Spend another moment in quiet prayer, seek your patron saint and Guardian Angels' Blessing for your journey through the season of Lent.