Morden, Surrey, SM4 6RL
Tel: 020 8648 1846 Fax: 020 8715 1757 email: [email protected]
Headteacher: Mr. Justin Dachtler
Class Teacher required
St Teresa’s Catholic Primary School is looking to appoint a dynamic teacher, with proven experience across the primary phase. We have a number of options in terms of year group placement and maternity covers. We welcome applications from candidates including Early Career Teachers and more experienced practitioners. We encourage applicants to visit the school prior to applying.
The school is extremely well placed in easy reach of the suburbs and central London. Wimbledon is very nearby, offering great opportunities to unwind and socialise beyond the classroom.
St Teresa's is a forward thinking school where staff are friendly, dedicated and children make excellent progress. Expectations are high in our school but if you are motivated by the achievement of children and are looking for leadership opportunities within a supportive environment, we would love to hear from you.
Please visit our school website at www.st-teresas.merton.sch.uk for more information about our school.
The Closing date is Friday 20th May 2022.
Interviews will be held on Wednesday 25th May 2022.
Visits to the school are welcomed and encouraged and are offered on: Wednesday 18th and Thursday 19th May 2022.
Please contact Mrs Lorraine Isaac on 020 8648 1846 option 2, to arrange a visit.
Learn to teach within a strong culture of support and challenge through our core values of Love, Trust, Teamwork and Ambition.
Job Description for a Class Teacher
“The Catholic School should be a living embodiment of the ideal and a faith. It should demonstrate a way of life; it should be a witness to society. It should practise what it preaches about the dignity and worth of the individual.”
(Cardinal Hume 1988)
The class teacher is directly responsible to the Leadership Team and ultimately to the Headteacher. Their line manager is their Team Leader.
Core Purpose:
The progress and development of individuals or groups they have responsibility for, as directed by the Headteacher.
To secure continuous improvement in standards through high expectations of teaching, learning and pupil achievement.
To ensure a nurturing ethos throughout the school that supports and encourages all children to reach their full potential.
To support the school core values of Love, Trust,Teamwork and Ambitionand the school motto ’Love proves itself by deeds’ St Thereseof Lisieux
The Governors of St. Teresa’s Primary School wish to by the appoint teachers who are imbued with Gospel values and are prepared to promote these values, maintaining and developing the Catholic character of the School.
As a teacher in St. Teresa’s Primary School you will be expected to support the school and some of the Parish events whilst carrying out the duties of a school teacher.
All teachers are subject to the Conditions of Employment set out annually in the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document (STPCD). These detail the professional and particular duties required of teachers, together with requirements for management time, working time, guaranteed planning and preparation time. The school complies with these requirements in order to make reasonable demands of teachers.
Additionally, STPCD requires all teachers to be involved in:
● Advising and co-operating with the Headteacher and other teachers on the preparation and development of courses of study, teaching materials, teaching programmes, methods of teaching and assessment and pastoral arrangements
● Taking any such part as may be required in the review, development and management of activities relating to the curriculum, organization and pastoral functions of the school
● Co-ordinating or managing the work of other staff
Please see over:
Main scale teachers will be asked to maintain an overview of teaching, standards and ongoing improvement in specified subject(s) or areas.
Leadership role
All teachers who have completed their induction period are expected to fulfil a Subject Leader role in performing key tasks and responsibilities in leading and managing a subject area or aspect of the school.
Subject Leaders are required to produce an action plan which will list the key tasks, responsibilities and outcomes each term. These will be derived from the school priorities.
Over time this might reasonably include:
● Reviewing the development of curriculum policy in the subject(s)
● Monitoring and evaluating the quality of planning in the subject(s) by other teachers
● Observing teaching and learning in the subject(s) in order to evaluate strengths and areas for further development, or the impact of school improvement work
● Evaluating relevant assessment information for individuals, groups or cohorts
● Suggesting issues in the subject(s) for further development
● Reviewing and co-ordinating the usage of resources in the subject(s)
● Providing advice and supporting new staff in the subject(s)
● Reporting on progress, achievement and standards in the subject(s) to staff, governors or parents
● Arranging and promoting relevant subject activities to promote the pupils’ enthusiasm and interest
Skills and attributes
● Professional competence – able to work cooperatively with others, lead and manage other people in working towards common goals
● Communication skills – able to communicate clearly and listen to the views of others
● Self management – able to plan time effectively and to organise oneself
● Providing a good role model which nurtures and respects others
● Adaptability to changing circumstances and new ideas
● Energy and enthusiasm
● Self confidence
● Intellectual ability
● Reliability and integrity
● Commitment to the post and the reputation of the school