In Jordan, the Patriarchate through its schools, the local Christian Community and its social support services has had to respond in love and charity to aid those fleeing the conflicts and religious persecution across the Middle East. They all need our help. Both today, and tomorrow: the need to support them remains. It cannot be understated, nor should it be forgotten. Thank you for your prayers and financial support.

This year has been like no other. It will go down in the history books as a year that has challenged every nation, every family, every hospital, every community.
I hope you have managed to cope reasonably well. You have been at the heart of our parish prayer and will continue to be as we journey into the New Year.
This Christmas, there is great sadness many who were with us last year have been called to meet their Saviour. They leave us with our prayer for their soul. Our Masses commend them to God’s Love and Mercy. Our Memorial Mass will send their names called out to God. We invite our bereaved families to join us on Sunday 27th December for our Holy Hour (4.15pm) and the extra Sunday Mass 5.30pm.
Each family will be given the chance to bring forward a special candle just before we begin the Mass. This Memorial Mass on the Feast of the Holy Family will also be live on the internet. All our Masses over the Christmas will be live on our parish website.