Our parish and deanery is keeping Con wrapped in prayer. We have a coach heading to St. George’s Cathedral leaving St. Teresa’s at 4.30pm. With his wife Carmel and all branches of the family we shall witness this sacred moment in his life.
Archbishop John will preside at this Ordination Mass. Con will be ordained to the Permanent Diaconate – what does it mean to be a Permanent Deacon?
A deacon is a man ordained by the bishop for service in Liturgy, Word and Charity. He assists the Archbishop, area Bishops and his priests.
‘Deacon’ Con is an ordinary minister of Baptism and Holy Communion. He proclaims the Gospel at Mass, occasionally preaches, and he may officiate at weddings. He can preside at Communion services, funeral services and wakes, celebrations of the Liturgy of the Hours and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.
Deacons frequently minister in preparing couples for marriage and for the Baptism of their children, in the Rite of Christian Initiation of adults and religious education programmes, i.e. First Holy Communion, Confirmation – On-going Formation.
The diaconate is a ministry of service and deacons can be found visiting the sick and housebound, visiting prisoners, helping and advocating for the poor, teaching and performing a wide variety of similar ministries.
The vast majority of deacons are married and work in regular jobs in the marketplace. Some are engaged in fulltime ministry in parishes or the diocese.
Con brings with him a variety of gifts which will bring many blessings to him and our parish family. His lifestyle is consistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church. He has a strong desire to serve the Christian Community and as we all know possess’ a proven record of successful service as an acknowledged leader (Pastoral Assistant) in this parish. His prayer life is rich and guided by The Holy Spirit. We thank God for his calling wish him all the very best in the years to come – CON – “May God who has begun the good work in you, bring it to fulfilment.