At last Sunday’s Confirmation Mass, we mentioned that many opportunities within the parish, the diocese and the wider Church are available to for you to be more involved. For example: Ministry of Welcome, Hospitality, Reading at Mass, Preparing Bidding Prayers and even reading them out at Mass, the Offertory, helping with the Parish Mass Collection, Music, playing instruments, join a choir, Announcements at Mass, Social Action, Maintenance – cleaning, gardening flower arranging, Altar Servers, and even Master of Ceremonies, supporting the Parish Office. How about offering to support next year’s Confirmation Programme – become a Soul Friend? Would you like to support the younger children in our First Holy Communion Programme, become a junior Catechist? Please let us know if you are interested.
A sincere word of thanks to all our Parish Catechists and all that they do for our Sacramental Programmes; RCIA, First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Without you are parish Sacramental life would not exist – so, THANK YOU ALL!