In the early hours of last Sunday Irene gave up her soul to God. She was ready for eternal life, Fr. Philip the hospital chaplain blessed her and gave her the Last Rites just hours before she left for heaven.
Irene was a much-loved character in the life of our parish. Her humour, her smile, her prayerfulness endeared her to many. She lived just across the road she loved to gaze out her window and connect in prayer with the Lord’s presence. She became a Catholic more than 15 years ago. With Fr. Joe Gill’s encouragement, she joined the choir, the Legion of Mary, helped out with parish functions. She gave of her time willingly and appreciated the love and support of the members of the parish family. A word of thanks to those who kept an eye on her in recent times. Irene, always appreciated your visits, your phone calls, and your spiritual support. Irene took her faith seriously. Her home was a shrine to the Sacred Heart, the Immaculate Heart, holy pictures filled her home alongside those of her family. Now she heads to the family of Heaven, she goes with our love, our blessings, our rosaries prayed for her and remembrances of her in our holy Masses.
At this time, we are waiting for her family to let us know her funeral arrangements. In the meantime, we will keep her family wrapped in prayer.
May she Rest In Peace and Rise In Glory. Amen.
We were sad to hear of the passing of BARRY FALCON. We offer his wife and four children along with grandchildren our blessing and spiritual support.
He is also survived by his sister Shirley Falcon a faithful parishioner for many years. We also offer her our love and blessing on the news of her brother’s death.
Barry was married to Marie here at Saint Teresa’s back in 1966. They moved to Canada and settled down to live in Toronto. Their faith grew ever stronger and a witness to the Catholic faith was a must every day.
May Barry Rest In Peace and Rise In Glory. Amen.
Funeral Details To Be Announced.
Caterina left for Heaven on the feast of St. Andrew the Apostle – the 30th November. We offer our sympathy to her two daughters Rosanna and Silvana. Before our recent lockdown we welcomed Caterina with her two kind caring daughters to a special Mass for her late husband Mario on the anniversary of his death.
Caterina was a daughter of Italy, her family and her friends meant so much to her, Holy Mass and prayer was at the foundation of her 92 years of life on earth. We thank God and her Guardian Angel for all the blessings she was able to receive.
May She Rest In Peace and Rise In Glory. Amen.