Thank you Lord – Four Newly Ordained Priests.
Please continue to pray for vocations and especially for the Archdiocese of Southwark led by Archbishop John. In case you missed the news during July, Archbishop John ordained four men to the priesthood:
Fr Giovani Prandini
Fr Peter Sebastian
Fr Dermot O’Gorman
And many of you may remember Fr. John Howard. Who spent some time with us last year and gained pastoral experience at St. Helier Hospital under the guidance of Fr.Philip Pak.
May their years ahead in the Lord’s service be fruitful and blessed.
Monsignor Canon John O’Toole
In recent times we have been keeping the former Dean of St. Georges
Cathedral, and now Episcopal Vicar for Kent, in prayer.
The Holy Father has appointed him as a Chaplain with the title
‘Monsignor’. Monsignor John is a truly outstanding priest with
many gifts and his role in the service of Dialogue and Unity at the Bishop’s Conference will long be remembered.
Agency for Evangelisation, Catechesis and Formation
Following recent rounds of consultation, Archbishop John has announced that the current Centre for Catholic Formation (C.C.F.) based at Tooting is to make way for a new model. The Agency for Evangelisation, Catechesis and Formation. The Archbishop says that “Our new model will continue to be shaped in the light of collaboration and experience, in the service and grassroots of the Church in our Archdiocese.”
The new agency comes into being this month and will feature an advisory team based around the three areas of Evangelisation, Catechesis and Formation rather than the current geographical basis. The formation of this new Agency is the right move at the right time. In due course we will be briefed on its vision for our diocese. In the meantime, I echo the words of our new Archbishop – Please pray for a “continued fruitfulness through the new Agency as, together, we seek to help each other, and those we shepherd, in knowing, loving and serving Christ.”
St. Vincent’s Residential Youth Retreat Centre, Whitstable.
For the past 17 years this Centre has played host to thousands of young people from all corners of the diocese. Times are changing and with Covid-19 and other challenges we are facing, St.Vincent’s has closed its doors for the last time. Archbishop John says: “We are sad that this work is unable to continue at St. Vincent’s Centre.”
New creative ways are going to be forged of engaging with young people in our schools and parishes. Day retreats at Aylesford Priory, working with the Carmelite community, will bear fruit. As will many other special days and special events.
In the months to come, a new team will emerge, trained and energised to drive forward the vital work of supporting young people in their journey of faith.
I join the Archbishop in saying: “We give thanks for the many blessings received at St. Vincent’s Centre: for each moment of encounter with Christ, for each member of the peer ministry team who has given a year in service to the diocese and for the hospitality and encouragement received by visiting clergy, catechists and youth workers.”