Your saints led by Saint Teresa are loved and honoured throughout the year, Holy Souls know that we pray for them with the assistance of their Guardian Angels and ours too.
We seek Heaven's blessing for our Parish and all who live out their faith in our midst and online. These are difficult times for the church on earth as we live through a world-wide pandemic. We also know that the Holy Spirit is guiding us all through these difficult, sad and troubling times. We can sense His Presence, we can sense His Guidance, we can sense His Light at the end of the tunnel.
Week by week, we come to share or give witness to our faith. Saint Teresa's is dedicated and consecrated to worshipping You.
We are grateful for the chance to show our love for You and the family of Heaven. So many at this time are unable to join us for Holy Mass here in the church and for other special moments in the life of the parish.
So, we pray now for those who, for a variety of reasons are unable to worship with us, those confined to their homes,
those no longer fit enough to get out and about,
those in hospital,
those in care homes,
those having to work on Sundays,
those looking after loved ones,
those advised to stay at home during this pandemic, those who are scared and frightened to leave home.
We pray too for those who have drifted away from regular attendance, those who have lost their faith,
those who have lost trust in the Catholic Church,
or joined other churches,
or moved to a new area among new people.
Gracious and Loving Father,
May each of these, good people, our friends, know they are still remembered,
much valued,
and much cared about.
We miss them in our midst,
we send out our blessing to each and every one of them, whatever their situation, whatever their challenges may they know You are close by their side,
joined with us and all Your parish family in the heart of every Holy Mass,
in the heart of the Rosary, in the heart of every prayer.