Ronald Arthur Brown R.I.P.
those who die still live in Your presence, their lives change but do not end. We pray in hope for Ronald Arthur Brown, whom you have called from life here on earth. We remember his wife Joan, who you called to the Father’s Kingdom in 2007. We remember them and pray for all the family at this time. Ronald leaves behind 3 sons Gary, Terry and Keith. With 7 grandchildren and generations yet to come our prayer and our Masses will bring blessings and spiritual support to all branches of Ronald’s family.
Blessing of a Miscarried Child
We often pray for the child in the womb and rightly so. From time to time we hear the sad news of a miscarriage. This is a heart-breaking and tearful time. We offer our blessings and spiritual support to all who have been affected in this way. This prayer might help:
Receive, Lord, this child
taken from us so suddenly and painfully,
before love could be fully expressed,
relationships built, or dreams fulfilled
yet, nonetheless, meaning so much in so many ways.
Support (parent/parents names) through this time,
in all the sorrow, pain and confusion they feel,
and help them somehow to deal with their loss,
and find strength and hope to face the future.
Take their little one (use name if given)
and grant him/her joy, peace and blessing in the Kingdom,
where all children are loved and warmly welcomed,
through Our Lord Jesus Christ, our door to Eternal Life.