- These are some of the main points to note:
- Sacred Vessels will be purified and washed by the parish priest after Mass. This reduces the risk and need to have sacristans and Eucharistic ministers in the sacristy.
- No singing of hymns and no musicians at this time. SORRY!
- Entrance and recessional processions are omitted. There will be a simple entrance by the priest.
- There will be only one lector and one reading.
- No Altar Servers so as to minimise the risk of exposure and to properly maintain physical distancing at all times.
- The chalice, paten, ciborium, cruets and lavabo will be on a small table beside the altar.
- Your parish priest will not be wearing a mask during the Liturgy of the Eucharist; therefore, all ciboria will be covered at all times. He will wear a visor if and when he distributes Holy Communion.
- No presentation of gifts will be made.
- No collection is taken up during the Mass. Instead, bins/baskets will be at strategic points for the faithful to make their offerings at the end of Mass. Secure vigilance will be in place over the donations.
- There is no Sign of Peace.
- There will be no Holy Water in fonts.
- All hymnals, missalettes, pew cards, pencils, donation envelopes and other loose items will be removed.
- Newsletters are only available on-line at the parish website.
Regarding the Distribution of Holy Communion: - The individual attestation at the distribution of Holy Communion (“The Body of Christ, R:Amen) is eliminated. Instead, one general announcement (“The Body of Christ”) will be made by the parish priest, and one general response (“Amen”) is to be made by one and all before distribution begins. Then each person who wishes to receive the Blessed Sacrament comes forward in procession at a safe distance and receives in silence.
- The Precious Blood will not be distributed at this time.
- Holy Communion may only be received in the hand.
- For the common good, our Bishops around the world acknowledge that Communion on the tongue is the right of the faithful, ask you please receive ONLY in the hand until further notice. Thank you for your understanding and support.
- When needed, Ministers of the Eucharist may be invited to officiate at Holy Communion time. If called upon, Ministers of Holy Communion must sanitise their hands immediately after receiving Communion BEFORE distributing Holy Communion to the faithful. They must also sanitise their hands immediately after distribution.
Should you have any questions regarding this information please reply by email: [email protected] or call our parish number: 020 8648 4113
Read here or download Archbishop John Wilson’s Pastoral Letter - Concerning the Reopening of Catholic Churches for Prayer and Services