God calls us in different times and in different ways to know Him, love Him and Serve Him.
The first word is WELCOME. We are happy to open our door to the Catholic faith. We are happy to answer your questions. Our faith is sacred and we do our best to share what we know and what we understand.
You are invited into a relationship with the God who loves you. That is the message that is at the heart of the Catholic experience.
Catholicism is more than a list of its teachings. That is to say, we could investigate every aspect of Catholic teaching and experience and still fail to comprehend what it’s all about. This is because our faith is more than a comprehension of and acceptance of a set of beliefs. Instead, a Catholic exists in response to a relationship with the eternal and infinite God, and the Catholic faith exists to point all people towards the wonder and reality of that relationship.
We are God’s creation and every one of us is special. We are sons and daughters of God, called to do the same as Christ Jesus (see Philippians 2), aware that we belong to one another as we reveal the compassion and truth of Jesus Christ to the world. Our faith is priceless, yet we also clearly state that our faith is not a philosophy of life, a humanitarian movement, a school of thought, a political party or ‘self-improvement’ spirituality.
We, the Church, have much to offer you. Our Catholic faith is quite straightforward. God loves you and holds you in being: Jesus, His Son, wishes to live in you and transform you into a son or daughter of God: the sacraments (there are seven of them), are given to you to assist you with this transformation. You are to live your life by revealing Jesus’ presence in you to the world and by helping those whose struggles make living the life God has for them difficult. The Holy Spirit has been poured into your heart to give you the strength and healing you need. Everything else is secondary.
So, let’s look at how we help you on your Journey of Faith. At St. Teresa’s we try to keep it a simple, prayerful and spiritual experience. Our team are members of the parish and have the gifts to lead a good meeting every week.
So, to remind you we are going to enter into a relationship with God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. This relationship is priceless and comes to us in a specific way. When we say ‘God’ we mean God as revealed in the person of Jesus Christ, into whose life you are invited and sustained by means of the sacraments, a life of prayer and living in accord with the teachings of the Church.