We would like to open the door to this role at Holy Mass. We are inviting a family, children, young teenagers, our senior citizens, to join a rota to prepare our Parish Intercessions to be read at Holy Mass. We would be delighted if you would like to read them out at the Mass you attend. If you are interested please let us know. A leaflet and guidelines will be available and we can also send this out to your email address.
Gracious and Loving Father, we come to you in homage to honour You Sunday by Sunday, bringing our praises, hopes, fears and failings to present to You for forgiveness and blessing. We pray that all who offer these Prayers of The Faithful at Saint Teresa’s will be inspired to find the words which lead us to think beyond ourselves to our neighbour and out into the wider world. We pray that their words may lead us into reflection and stir us into action. Amen.