The Legion of Mary grew out of the Saint Vincent de Paul Society and spread all over the world.
Frank Duff’s vision for the lay apostolic movement was to offer concrete ways for Catholic lay people to live out the gospel – a man ahead of his time.
Our Legion have a great ministry, visiting the sick and housebound, seeking out the lost sheep. Their Apostolate is much needed in our Times, evangelisation opens the door to Heavenly Blessings.
Over three million members of the Legion attend weekly meetings in 170 countries today. To borrow words from the Book of Genesis – “Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth.”
Thank you to all members past and present. Blessings to all who are thinking about joining the Legion of Mary, An Army at the Service of the Church. Our Lady Queen of Heaven, Mother of our Parish, is calling you to be a Living Page of The Gospel. Are you up to the challenge?