Our 47 Day Lenten Parish Mission has, I hope, helped you on your journey through Lent. Thank you for your support and witness.
With Palm Sunday we begin Holy Week when the church is inviting us to relive the great events of the history of our salvation.
The world needs this Holy Week, it urgently needs the blessings it will surely bring. It needs your spiritual and willing participation. Your soul needs Heavenly support.
This year I hope you will see the cross in a different light. I pray that, like Simon of Cyrene, we will find meaning in helping our brothers and sisters to carry their crosses, to endure their sufferings. I pray that, like Joseph of Arimathea, we will overcome our fear and our pride and run toward the cross to proclaim to the crowd that we are the disciples of the crucified one. We love his sacred body which is given to us as food, and we love the Body of Christ that is God’s people, his Church.
The Gospel begins with the crowd waving palm branches and welcoming Jesus. As always, our task is to work so that the crowd will become a community that will truly welcome Jesus as our Messiah and King and serve him in the least of our brothers and sisters. Crowds push people away from God, communities, parish families draw them closer to God.
Please join us for a week rich in liturgy, rich in blessings. Let us enter the Jerusalem of Holy Week, following Jesus not at a safe distance but close up.