During these difficult times the neighbourhood officers have had to change many of their normal working practices and community engagement. A halt in community events, visiting school fairs, church events etc has highlighted a need to increase their online presence to still be able to reach as many residents as possible. Each ward holds a mailing list in which your details are held for the purpose of ward officers being able to contact residents directly for an array of reasons. The most prominent reason is to send crime prevention advice, event information and contact session dates (predominantly online at the moment) and their quarterly newsletter. But they also send emails warning about a crime that has happened in your street, targeted appeals for information about suspicious activity, appeals for volunteers for community workshops, clean up days, speed check days and many other reasons specifically related to Ravensbury.
If you would like to be added to Ravensbury SNT mailing list please email the team [email protected] and they will be in contact with you.
Ravensbury Safer neighbourhood team are:
PC Stephan Gomeze
PCSO Tracy Whayman
The contact number for the ward is 0208 721 2725 and the email as above. You can also follow the ward on twitter @MPSRavensbury.
Thank you all, I really hope we can reach many more people this way.
Kind Regards
PCSO Tracy Whayman 7230SW
Ravensbury SNT
Mitcham Police Station
Cricket Green
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 020 8721 2725
Non emergency: 101
In any Emergency requiring immediate Police assistance, always dial 999.
Follow us:
Twitter: www.twitter.com/MPSMerton
Twitter: www.twitter.com/MPSDundonald
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MertonPolice