St Teresa’s was consecrated to You back in 1939. Generation after generation have come through our doors to meet You in Prayer, the Breaking of Bread, in the Sacrament of Mercy and Forgiveness and so much more.
Always You have been with us, seen or unseen, acknowledged or unacknowledged, Your spirit at work in our lives, surrounding us with Your love, delivering us from evil, nurturing our faith, leading us to a deeper awareness of Your eternal purpose in Christ Jesus.
You have been with us and our parish family, calling us into being, directing our life and witness, speaking Your word, renewing our commitment, binding us together as a parish family and sending us out to be a Living Page of the Gospel.
We thank You for all who helped build and sustain St. Teresa’s in so many ways.
We thank You for our past and we ask for Your guidance for the future.
We ask for Your special blessing and the heavenly support of Saint Teresa, to build a new parish of commitment and service. To serve wherever we see need. To be builders of Unity, Apostles for our time.