In recent times we have mentioned that some people have come forward with requests for 16, 18, 26 Masses to be said for their intentions. Another person wanted us to offer their intentions eight weeks running at the 11 O’clock Sunday Mass.
A little while ago we mentioned this issue and I would like to repeat some of the points made back then:
Mass intentions can be scheduled for those who died, and on the occasion of a birthday, wedding, anniversary, for healing, for the conversion of sinners, for the grace to face challenges in life, success in a new job, for those serving in the Church or serving the country at different levels, for good weather, for bountiful harvest, for world peace, in thanksgiving, for blessings received, etc.
You can find many reasons to think about a Mass offering. We offer the Mass for a specific intention because we believe in the immense spiritual value of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
When you give offerings for Mass intentions, the Parish Office has limitations on accepting several intentions from an individual or family asking for specific dates. We have to oblige the needs of all parishioners.
Priority will be given to those who have lost loved ones in 2020. You may schedule up to 5 Masses in the year ahead - ‘Months Mind’ and anniversaries - we will do our best to oblige. All others we may limit to two Masses per year.
Please take into consideration that we CANNOT accommodate everyone with your request for weekends Masses. The Church is required to celebrate one Mass per weekend for the people of the parish, therefore we are limited to the number of Masses available on weekends!
Should you wish the celebration of more than the allotted Masses, we are happy to forward those intentions we cannot accommodate within a one year period, to priests who can offer them more quickly.
“Christian faithful who make an offering so that the Mass may be applied for their intention contribute to the good of the Church, and by their offering take part in the concern of the Church for the support of its ministries and work” (Canon Law 946)
The fruits of the Mass are the same whether we offer it in our parish or in another parish. When we forward the Mass intentions to others, like retired priests or to priests on the Missions, where they do not get enough Mass intentions, we are indirectly supporting those priests and the Missions.