Dear friends in Christ, in the name of Jesus and His Church we continue to gather in love and prayer. Our prayers in unity with all family and friends of the deceased continue to be placed before our Heavenly Father.
Holy Lord, almighty and eternal God,
hear the prayers of our Parish family for your servants,
whom you have summoned out of this world.
Forgive their sins and failings and grant each one a place of refreshment, light and peace.
Please let them pass unharmed through the gates of death to dwell with the blessed in light,
as you promised to Abraham and his children forever.
Accept our loved ones, our parishioners and those whose anniversaries occur about this time, into Your safe keeping.
We commend one and all to your Divine Mercy.
We thank you for this time to remember them and pray for them. May their good deeds go with them into Your Heavenly Kingdom. Amen.