Every Mass you attend brings you blessings from Heaven, every sin confessed opens the door to God’s mercy for our soul. Every visit to the Church to light a candle, say a prayer, to spend time in Adoration opens the door wide to blessings from God, for your soul.
As I take on my new ministry here at St Teresa’s I promise to do my best to serve you, to serve the Lord and to do so in unity with our Archbishop, his brother bishops and my brother priests in the Deanery and across the diocese.
The parish is made up of sons and daughters of many nations. Those who have arrived in recent years are bringing with them a great devotion to our Catholic faith. Parishes are coming to life. A new springtime is in the air. Vocations are coming down the road. Prayer, Prayer, Prayer, and Adoration hour after hour will bring new life to the parish and to our parish school.
A big thank-you also to those who signed up as ADORERS OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT. It would be really good to see more join this very important ministry in the life of our parish. Many parents drop off their children for school. Try to pop into the Church before or even after school, even for just a few minutes. Many cars pass by our church every day, turn into the Church and take time to visit the Risen Lord. Yes, life is busy, we are all racing around as if time is running out. Taking time to visit the Lord will renew you in heart and mind as you thank Him for your life, your health, your faith, your family and your friends.
Your visit to the Blessed Sacrament will enhance the day and will demonstrate to young and old that you really believe in your heart what we are celebrating each and every day. May the Lord bless you on your Advent Journey. May the Good Lord guide you on the Right Path. May He bless your family home. May those whose faith is not as strong as it used to be in our families and amongst our friends, be supported by our parish Masses and our prayers. May Christ be born again in their hearts this Christmas. Amen.