Welcome also to Canon Brian Coyle, former parish priest and now rector of St. John’s Seminary.
Sincere thanks to everyone who contributed in any way to our big birthday party. Gratitude to Mr. Dachtler and the governors of St. Teresa’s School for allowing us to use the school hall. Thanks also to parents who have provided us with 80 children who will carry in the 80 years at the procession before Mass. Thanks to all who have prepared and contributed refreshments.
A particular note of appreciation to our special choir who have assembled for the event. We are grateful to Stewart Mackintosh (conductor) and Nicholas Wibberley (organist) who have given time, talent and enthusiastic energy to the occasion.
As we celebrate our 80th birthday the Archbishop will present awards to 3 parishioners who have shown outstanding service to the parish for several years. Margaret Malone receives the Fideliter Servienti award for her dedication to 1st Communion preparation for some 30 years. Mary Cadd also receives the Fideliter Servienti award for her life long commitment to St. Teresa’s as a catechist, PPC & SVP member and Gift Aid organiser. Patrick Doherty receives the Silver Medal of Merit from the Archconfreternity of St. Stephen for his dedication to the altar servers. Congratulations to all and happy birthday to everyone!