Please let family and friends know of our 47 Day Spiritual Journey.
And please,
Bring your laughter, bring your tears,
Bring your joy and bring your sorrow,
Bring your hopes, bring your fears,
Bring today, bring tomorrow.
Bring your fullness, bring your thirst,
Bring your weakness, bring your health,
Bring your best and bring your worst,
Bring your love ones, bring yourself,
Bring your faith and bring your doubt,
Bring your sorrow for sins past,
Bring a heart that seeks His Mercy.
Bring a soul that cries out for absolution,
Bring your prayer for family and friends,
Bring your spiritual needs, bring your offering for Lent.
The Lord will be here every day to meet you in Prayer, Mercy and Forgiveness. His healing touch for you and your soul is assured.
Let this Season of Lent be rich in blessings for you and your family.