Thank you to everybody who continues to support the parish through the collection, standing orders, gift aid and dropping in contributions. Online donations have seen an increase recently - A big THANK YOU FOR THOSE DONATIONS coming in via our parish website 'JUST GIVING' - Press the button marked DONATE. If you scroll down further, we also say 'Thanks' for your support and other ways you can support our parish. Again, THANK YOU.
To make things easier in the church we have now introduced a card reader which you will find near the Icon of Padre Pio, instructions are listed next to the machine. You can use this for all donations.
If you use GIFT AID ENVELOPES for your offertory, PLEASE CONTINUE TO DO SO and place them in the offertory boxes on the Sanctuary steps.

- IF THE SCREEN IS BLANK press the power button
- ENTER THE AMOUNT YOU WISH TO DONATE e.g. 5-0-0 is £5.00, and press the green tick button
- TAP CARD for contactless or INSERT CARD using your pin
- SELECT RECEIPT use up and down arrows to select option required