As we eagerly await the final few responses, I want to take a moment to reflect on the significance of your potential participation. Being a part of the Parish Leadership Team is not only a chance to contribute to the growth and development of our parish, but also a unique opportunity for personal growth and spiritual enrichment.
Serving on the Parish Leadership Team requires dedication, collaboration, and a deep sense of faith. It is a chance to shape the future of our parish community, to make a lasting impact on the lives of our fellow parishioners, and to create an environment that fosters spiritual growth and unity.
Perhaps you are still contemplating whether you should say yes to this invitation. I encourage you to take this opportunity seriously and prayerfully consider the role you can play in serving our parish. Your skills, experiences, and perspectives are valuable and can contribute to the overall vision and mission of our community.
Remember, saying yes to serving on the Parish Leadership Team is not just a commitment to the team, but also a commitment to God and His Church. It is an opportunity to respond to His call, to be a steward of His gifts, and to use your unique talents for the greater good.
Together, let us continue to discern and seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit. May He inspire and guide us as we build a strong, vibrant, and faithful community. Your presence on the Parish Leadership Team could make a significant difference, so I encourage you to prayerfully consider this invitation.
Thank you once again to those who have already said yes, and to those who are still contemplating, I eagerly await your response. May God bless you abundantly as you discern your role in the Parish Leadership Team I ask the parish family to please pray for The Holy Spirit’s guidance and the intercession of our beloved Saint Teresa for our Parish Leadership Team.
With sincere thanks and my blessing,
Canon Michael