I am thinking about you and praying for you daily, as I know you are reaching out to one another. These are difficult days for us all. I hope you are coping, especially if you live alone, are housebound or are self-isolating. It is very easy to feel lonely, perhaps even forgotten. Well, you are not forgotten! Not at all. In fact, God is drawing us closer to one another. Many, many are stepping forward to offer help and support at a local level and all over the country thousands are coming forward to help the NHS. It is good to know that members of our parish family have signed up to help – THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
To our parishioners working in our hospitals – know you are fully supported in our prayers and daily Masses. In our parish family many others are on the front line serving our nation in a time of great need – again, THANK YOU!
Our Parish Lenten Retreat has been well received with many joining us on the Internet. We need to enter the World of Prayer and our daily Mass, Adoration and Devotions with Spiritual Reflections is helping us to do just that. Each day I am also able to keep you in touch with the latest parish news.
Pope Francis is also on the frontline doing his best to support us by his leadership; his beautiful prayers are helping millions around the world. Now, he has offered us all another gift. In these extraordinary days, under his spiritual leadership, the Church is granting a PLENARY INDULGENCE to those who are sick due to COVID-19, to those who care for them and to those who pray for them. To receive this support, the following practices can be undertaken for the reception of the indulgence:
If you are sick with the Corona Virus, or quarantined in hospital, in a nursing home or at home, as many are, if you have been encouraged to self-isolate or stay at home, please do so. You can join Mass through the electronic media, (like in our parish), or you can pray the ROSARY, or do an act of piety like the WAY OF THE CROSS, - or especially if you are in a weakened state, simply recite the CREED, pray an Our Father or a prayer to Our Blessed Mother. Do this in complete detachment from sin and offer your trial – your suffering- To God as an act of charity towards others.
This Plenary Indulgence is also offered under the same conditions to our Doctors, Nurses, all Healthcare Workers and family members who are at risk to contagion to themselves and draw near to the sick to care for them. It is offered as well, and still under the same conditions to you and any of the faithful who pray fervently for an end to the pandemic, for relief for those who suffer and for the eternal repose of those who have died.
Join in online with prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, spend time in Eucharistic Adoration, read the Bible for at least half an hour, recite the Rosary, make the Way of the Cross, or pray the Chapter of Divine Mercy. God is rich in mercy; infinitely rich. This time is a powerful incentive to enter the world of prayer. So many blessings await us. For those at the point of death because of this virus and unable to receive the final sacraments, Holy Mother Church is pledging fervent prayer for them, even if their faith and prayer life has been weak during their lifetime.
GOD is LOVE, GOD is MERCIFUL – We can put ALL OUR TRUST IN HIM. We can all open the door to His mercy. We can bring our loved ones, our friends, the lost, the fallen, through that door; it leads to Heaven, it leads to Paradise, it leads to Eternal Life.
OUR SICK and HOUSEBOUND – We have twelve parishioners who are sick and housebound – we bless each of them and keep them in our prayer. We are also aware that some of our
parishioners must self-isolate as they have contracted COVID-19, Corona Virus. You are in our prayers and we wish you a speedy recovery. We also have parishioners young and old who must self-isolate for three months. Be assured you are wrapped in our prayers and if you need a chat or a blessing over the ‘phone I am more than willing to support you. Can we remind everyone that we are on WhatsApp, if you wish to join.
We ask Our Lady and St. Teresa to intercede for all the Sick and Housebound, for all who find themselves in hospital, for those coping with the Corona Virus, and other health issues. May our prayers and those of the parish family, see them on the road to recovery. We keep in our prayers Jean Lue, Ms Ruba Santiapillai, Baby Alexander Lynch, Joseph Lunn, Erika Geddes, Barry Falcon, Denise Waaldjk, Lena McBride and Valerie Somerset. We keep those who care for them and all key workers in prayer, with our gratitude.
GRACIOUS and LOVING FATHER hear our prayers for all our doctors, nurses and all on the frontline fighting this Corona Virus. Strengthen them in body and soul, watch over them as they minister to all who are fighting this virus, that takes the lives of young and old. We ask you to bless our hospital chaplains and also ask your blessing and protection for all who in our Nursing and Senior Citizens Homes – AMEN.