O St Therese of the Child Jesus, who have been deservedly proclaimed Patroness of the Catholic Missions throughout the world, remember those most ardent desires which you made known to us while still on earth, of planting the Cross of Jesus Christ on every shore and of preaching the Gospel to the end of time. Help, we beseech you, according to your promises, priests, missionaries and the entire Church. Amen.
Short Novena Prayer to St Therese
O holy little Therese of the Child Jesus, who during your short life on earth became a mirror of angelic purity, of love strong as death, and of wholehearted abandonment to God, now that you rejoice in the reward of your virtues, cast a glance of pity on me as I leave all things in your hands. Make my troubles your own – speak a word for me to Our Lady Immaculate, whose flower of special love you were – to that Queen of heaven “who smiled on you at the dawn of life”. Beg her as Queen of the Heart of Jesus to obtain for me by her powerful intercession the grace I yearn for so ardently at this moment, and that she join with it a blessing that may strengthen me during life, defend me at the hour of death, and lead me straight on to a happy eternity. Amen.
Prayer to Our Lady of the Smile
O Mary, Mother of Jesus and our Mother too, who once by a visible smile did graciously console and cure your privileged child St Therese of the Child Jesus, we beseech you, come to us also to console us in the troubles of this life, detach our hearts from earth, give to us health of soul and body, make us strong in hope, and obtain for us at last, that we may enjoy for every in Heaven your maternal and enrapturing smile. Amen.