We would like to invite families to an information meeting followed by Mass on Saturday 8th January at 10:45am in the church. At this meeting, you will be able to pick up an application form if you wish your child to make their first communion at St. Teresa’s. ALL application forms need to be returned to the parish office along with a copy of your child’s baptism certificate, and a fee of £15, no later than Wednesday 19th January.
1. The cost of the programme, is £15. Cash will be accepted, please make cheques payable to
‘St. Teresa’s Church’
2. Each child will receive a book ‘I BELONG’, at their first meeting. Children need to bring their books to each meeting; they will also use these books at home.
3. Each meeting in church will last 45 minutes. We ask you to please have your child in church at least 5 minutes before the class starts, and to collect them promptly at the end of the session. We will be using the parish hall for the children’s meetings, while parents are expected to remain in the church for updated information, where necessary, and Adoration.
4. We will have 2 x 45min sessions each day, on the dates specified below, so prompt attendance and collection is a must. We envisage 2 groups of 30/35 children for each session, depending on numbers. Numbers will be capped at 70.
5. The first session of the day will start at 9:30am ending at 10:15am
6. The second session of the day will start at 10:30am ending at 11:15am
Church session dates: Saturday, February 5th, 12th, 26th
Saturday, March, 12th, 19th, 26th
Saturday, April 23rd, 30th and Saturday May 7th
Children will make their First Confession on 19th March. We will give you more information nearer the time. First Communion dates/times will be confirmed as the programme progresses.
Please remember to complete and return your child’s application form to St. Teresa’s
Parish Office as soon as possible as late applications will not be accepted after 19th Jan.
We look forward to meeting all families very soon.