Here at St. Teresa’s, we have been offering a Requiem Mass on-line. This has been a great help to families. Extended family, friends and parishioners have been able to come together in prayer. We had three funerals this week and two last week. Being able to see the Mass on-line has been a great consolation. Family and friends have tuned in from all around the world: Bolivia, Ireland, Australia, India, Malta, Italy, Spain, Poland, Jersey and many different places in America. Here in the U.K. it has been a blessing for those not able to travel or attend because of health and age reasons.
The restrictions on crowd size – and for Catholic families, the absence of Holy Mass and the chance to receive the Body and Blood of Christ has been heart breaking. Not being able to hug and console one another at Church or at the Cemetery has not been easy for many. Celebrating a Requiem Mass on livestreaming will help. I will do my very best to make it a special Mass for all the family.
The death of a loved one is always heart breaking. Organising a funeral, learning that it might be four to six weeks, is not easy to deal with. As a parish we support in prayer the family every step of the way. We have three funerals booked for the early days of May and waiting to hear details of three others. W e will bless their souls in the prayer of our Masses.