Veronica Gorrod
Funeral on Friday 29th January 10am.
Veronica was linked to Christ at Baptism; may she now live with Him in the glory of the Father’s Kingdom. We also remember her daughter Debbie who, days earlier, supported by her mother and family, left life on earth for life in Paradise.
May They Rest In Peace and Rise In Glory. Amen.
Please pray for the repose of the soul of:
Father Michael Gwinnell (RIP Sunday 13th December 2020)
Canon Frank O’Sullivan (RIP Tuesday 22nd December 2020)
Father George Webster (RIP Tuesday 29th December 2020)
Father Michael Boland (RIP Monday 4th January 2020)
These good men served the Lord faithfully in our Archdiocese.
May They Rest In Peace and Rise In Glory. Amen.