My dear people, a long standing tradition in the Church has designated each day of the week with a particular theme to be recognised at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass:
Sunday - The Resurrection of Jesus
Monday - The Souls in Purgatory
Tuesday - The Holy Angels
Wednesday - St. Joseph
Thursday - The Eucharist
Friday - The Passion of Jesus
Saturday - Our Blessed Lady
Why is Wednesday set aside for St. Joseph? Well, Wednesday is the halfway point between Sunday (the day of the Lord) and Saturday (the day set aside to honour Mary.) Saints and Blesseds down throughout the centuries, alongside serving Popes, have encouraged us and all the faithful to seek St. Joseph’s help, his intercession, his blessing.
This weekend we have the unveiling of a new image of St. Joseph. It will rest on Our Lady’s Altar. You will be able to place your own special petitions underneath. Once a month we will have a Votive Mass in honour of St. Joseph. In these Holy Masses we will thank him and honour him and seek his spiritual support for our parish and for all who live out their faith here or on-line. St. Teresa’s parents sought his help when she was on the doorstep of death. St. Zellie knelt before St. Joseph’s statue in her bedroom and asked the Saint to heal her daughter. Miraculously, Thérѐse was healed!
Their devotion became Thérѐsa’s:
“I prayed to St. Joseph to watch over me. From my childhood, my devotion to him was mingled with my love for the Blessed Virgin. Each day I recited the prayer: ‘O Saint Joseph, father and protector of virgins.’ It seemed to me that I was well protected and completely sheltered from every danger.” - St. Theresa of the Child Jesus
Next weekend I will consecrate yourself and your family to St. Joseph.
This weekend I invite you to pray this prayer to the Sleeping Saint Joseph:
O St. Joseph, you are a man greatly favoured by the Most High. The angel of the Lord appeared to you in dreams while you slept, to warn you and guide you as you cared for the Holy Family. You were both silent and strong, a loyal and courageous protector.
Dear St. Joseph, as you rest in the Lord, confident in His absolute power and goodness, look upon me. Please take my need into your heart, dream of it and present it to your Son (mention your request). Help me then, good St. Joseph, to hear the voice of God, to arise, and to act with love. I praise and thank God with great joy. St. Joseph, I love you and seek your help and support. Thank you!