As a parish family and those who join us on-line, we pray day in and day out for the sick and housebound. We pray for all who carry the cross of suffering around the world and we pray for the following:
Joseph Lunn, Maureen Smith, Irene Ward, Jean Lue, Ruba Santipillai, Frank Mendonça, Baby Alexander Lynch, Erika Geddes, Barry Falcon, Denise Waaldjk, Lena McBride, Valerie Sommerset, Kevin Mooney, John Mooney, Angela Patcheye, Leonard Paice, Michael O’Kelly, Kevin and Margaret Peacock, Justin Roberts, Alan O’Leary, Bill O’Keefe and Gerry Gillen. We also have young mothers who have recently been diagnosed with cancer – we are keeping them in prayer.