As a parish family and those who join us on-line, we pray day in and day out for the sick and housebound. We pray for all who carry the cross of suffering around the world and we pray for the following:
Joseph Lunn, Maureen Smith, Jean Lue, Ruba Santipillai, Frank Mendonça, Baby Alexander Lynch, Erika Geddes, Denise Waaldjk, Lena McBride, Valerie Sommerset, Kevin Mooney, John Mooney, Angela Patcheye, Leonard Paice, Michael O’Kelly, Ken and Margaret Peacock, Mary Reilly, Alan O’Leary, Bill and June O’Keefe, Gerry Gillan, Leonard James Connolly, Thea Haddad, Nora Williams, Margaret Lahy, Brian Wratten, Ann Van Essen, Bella Harding, Eileen Stevens, Dave Herris, Gabriel Lyons, Sylvester Forya, Michael and Madge Durkan, Jocyln De
Silva, John McDonagh, Maureen Flagherty, Finn Hurley & Peggy.
We also have two young mothers in our parish who have recently been diagnosed with cancer, we are keeping them in prayer – please keep them in yours.
Please continue to keep those on our Parish Sick List in your prayers. There are also those self-isolating, those in the early stages of the virus and those on the road to recovery. We also have parishioners receiving treatment for cancer.
This Wednesday’s 10am Mass will be a Votive of Saint Joseph. The names of those currently on our Parish Sick and Housebound List will be placed under our Sleeping Saint Joseph statue. All of them and the sick in our local hospitals, care homes, and local hospices will be remembered in this special Mass.
If you or someone you know is sick, seek the help of Saint Joseph. Our Blessed Lord will be pleased to see you seek this great saints blessing and support for healing. Some continue, some willingly, to carry the Cross of Suffering. Whether you experience a physical healing or not, Saint Joseph always offers hope for an illness-free life in heaven. This wonderful servant of heaven will
help you to be abandoned to Divine Providence. You too might cry out in prayer “thy will be done”.

Pray for our Parish Family,
St. Joseph, patron of workers, pray for us! St. Joseph, protector and guardian of families pray for us!
St. Joseph, patron and defender of the Universal Catholic Church, pray for us! Pray for us,