As you pray the Rosary at home or at work I encourage you to try and find time to pray the:

We are here to consecrate our family, our home, and everything that we are and have to your Immaculate Heart. We want to be yours, to be more perfectly and fully with Jesus.
We already proclaim this triumph, which will be the implantation of the Kingdom of Our Lord Jesus Christ on earth. It was through you that the Saviour came into the world, and it will through you once again that He will reign in the world. We beseech from you, the star of the new
evangelisation, that you make each one of us an instrument in your hands for the building of this kingdom.
Accept O Lady, this consecration and help us to live, obedient to the teachings of the Divine Master, seeking first the Kingdom of God and His Justice, certain that all things will be added unto us.