This Sunday at our Masses we offer you the chance to make an Act of Consecration to Saint Joseph:
I ................ a child of God, take you, St. Joseph, to be my spiritual father. I am confident that Jesus and Mary have led me to you; to know you, to love you, and to be totally consecrated to you. Therefore, having come to know and love you, I consecrate myself entirely to you, St. Joseph. I want you in my life; I need you in my life. Take me as your spiritual child, O great St. Joseph! I desire to hold nothing back from your protective fatherhood.
As the husband of Mary, you provided for my spiritual mother. Thank you for always being faithful to her. Thank you for loving her and giving your entire life for her service.
As the virginal Father of Jesus, you cared for my Lord and protected Him from evil men. Thank you for guarding the life of my Saviour. Thanks to you, Jesus was able to shed his blood for me on the Cross. Thanks to you St. Joseph, I have hope of everlasting life in Heaven.
As my spiritual father, I know that you will guide and protect me too. Please instruct me in the ways of prayer, I know that you will guide and protect me, too. Please instruct me in the ways of prayer, virtue, and holiness. I want to be like you, St. Joseph. I want to be pure, humble, loving and merciful.
Now that I am yours and are mine, I promise never to forget you. I know that you will never forget me, and this gives me boundless joy! I am loved by St. Joseph! I belong to St. Joseph!
Praise to the Holy Trinity who has blessed you and raised you to be the greatest saint after Mary. Praise to the Virgin who loves you and wants souls to love you. Praise to you, St. Joseph, my father, my guardian, and my all! Amen!